Thursday 14 July 2011

Thing 4 - Pt 1 Twitter

I set up a twitter account a couple of years ago after a Phil Bradley talk at the Library Show but after one tweet I didn't do anything else with it as was so busy. It was good to go back and explore Twitter again. I have changed a few things on my profile and added a photo, followed a few Library groups and looked at some @CPD23 tweets. I don't know if it something I will use regularly but I will try and look at it from time to time. I think the problem with all these internet developments is that you end up with so many places to look for information. I do suffer from a bit of Information overload!

The Library I work in did try using Twitter but we didn't find that the students were following or using it that much. Having a Facebook group seemed much more popular with students but then the College took a decision to ban Facebook on the College computers so we had to scrap that idea. I wonder how other FE Colleges have got on with using Twitter to promote information to students?


  1. I have to say I have never found twitter to be too effective for libraries/institutions - there is often not enough new things going on to generate followers and keep interest. The only exceptions I found have been the University library here in Cambridge and the large central public library.

    Facebook I think is great for libraries - a real shame that your college blocked access. I'm launching our colleges facebook page for the new term - hoping it goes well!

  2. It's frustrating hearing about amazing things that can be done with new technology, knowing that you can't use it in your own institution. Mobile phones seem to have a lot of potential, from reading some US sites. I'm in a 9-13yrs school, mobiles are banned, no Facebook (obviously), most blogs are filtered. At least the school has a (shared) Twitter account for updating parents - mostly on the results of school matches.

  3. I work in FE liby and we have a facebook page. The college has a Facebook page and a Twitter account, but conversely both are blocked on site!
