Wednesday 7 September 2011

Thing 14 - catch up again

Well after time off on holiday I am trying to catch up with 'things' again so here we go. Thing 14 is referencing systems. I have decided not to look at Zotero at the moment as I tend to use Internet Explorer rather that Firefox, although I may have a quick look at it when I have more time as we do have quite a few students who use Firefox so it could be useful for them.

14b: Mendeley
I have to say that Mendeley does look a useful tool but without actually having anything to reference right at the moment it is a bit difficult to tell until I have actually used it. I could probably use a tool like this when I start my Post Grad diploma to keep everything in one place to save having to go through notes after I have written an essay to get my bibliographic reference completed. It is definitely one tool I am 'saving' to use in the future.

14c: Citeulike
Citeulike also looks useful and as I have used delicious before it seems a pretty straightforward tool. I also like it from the persepective that I can access it from any computer as I tend to use many different PCs throughout the course of a day.

In terms of their use for our students I don't think it would be entirely appropriate. Our students base is mainly 16-19 years olds completing vocational and A-level courses. We find that they tend to want things that are simpler and easier and pretty much done for them. The only support we usually provide with referencing is how to produce Harvard referencing for bibliographies. We have a helpsheet available and we tend to direct students to the site where they can put in all of the details of the books etc and it puts the information into Harvard style referencing for them. This is about as technical as out students like to get! Although saying that this year we will be having more students taking up foundation degrees due to links we have with local universities so these tools could be something I might have the chance to share with these students.

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